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Register brands for EPR Single-Use Plastics in Germany

Register brands for EPR Single-Use Plastics in Germany

Starting January 1, 2025, a German regulation, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Single-Use Plastic, will impact your products containing single-use plastic on Amazon.de.

The EPR for Single-Use Plastic regulation aims to promote sustainable waste management and reduce plastic pollution. It requires producers, importers, and distributors of single-use plastic products to participate in a system to collect, sort, and recycle these products.

To continue to sell products containing single-use plastic on Amazon.de, you are required to comply with the EPR requirements and submit your registration number to Amazon before January 1, 2025. We will deactivate your non-compliant listings after this date.

What do I need to do?

  • Step 1 – If you’re a producer established in Germany, register all of your brands in each single-use plastic category with the German Environment Agency's Single-Use Plastics Fund platform (DIVID) to get your registration numbers. If you use drop-shipping or resell single-use plastic products, obtain the registration number(s) from your upstream supplier(s);
  • Step 2 – Submit the registration numbers in the Compliance Portal (we will inform you once the portal is live in Q3-Q4 2024);
  • Step 3 – Starting 2025, report the types and quantities of single-use plastic products that you sold in Germany to DIVID each year, and pay the corresponding levy (eco-fees).


If you are a producer and are not established in Germany, you can already create an account on DIVID and appoint an authorized representative to fulfill single-use plastic requirements for you. Starting August 1, 2024, you can register your brands on DIVID.

We recommend that you register now on DIVID to ensure you can prove your compliance to Amazon when the Compliance Portal is live for single-use plastic products in Q3-Q4 2024.

For more information, go to EPR requirements: Single-Use Plastics in Germany.

Register brands for EPR Single-Use Plastics in Germany